What's your coding pace?
Posted on 12/6/06 by Felix Geisendörfer

Since a couple weeks I'm trying to pay a little closer attention to my coding habits to see if there still is some room for improvment (I'm sure there is). So one thing I noticed, was that I would always write 2 or 3 lines of code and then put in a debug() and directly check in the browser if it works. Sometimes I write more lines at once, but most of the time I work in very small steps. Now first I thought that it would certainly be faster to write whole blocks of code first, and then test them. But then I thought: "Faster? At what price?". Because if I would now start to quit my habit about short cycles, I might be done a little faster, but I would only have tested entire blocks of code, not most of the commands inside them one-by-one, which might leads to a decreased quality / stability of the source.
So I'm courious about what your programming habits are and what you think is a good style to adopt ; ).